
Satsang means 'being with the truth'.  Our satsangs are a gathering to delve into nonduality, enlightenment, and living awake and engaged. 

We may reference Advaita Vedanta, Chan & Zen Buddhism, Jnana Yoga, and other traditions.

The meeting starts with meditation/sitting in stillness and silence. 

After the meditation/silence, we have a Q&A, discussion, or a short discourse in the broad topic areas of nonduality and enlightenment. 

The meeting ends with another meditation/sitting in silence and stillness. 

This is the loose format we follow.

We meet at 10 am on the 2nd Sundays in St. Petersburg, FL

For a while these satsangs have been suspended, but we are holding a satsang on November 12, 2023 at 10 am.

For more information, visit the St. Petersburg Nonduality Satsang facebook page.